Our customers require a quick, reliable, and easy-to-use method of delivering accurate analysis and results which enables them to make real-time decisions. We deliver this and so much more through our Ingot calibrations which can be installed locally onto NIR machines or accessed over the internet. Aunir - making light work.
Our NIR product range
Ingot Lab provides you with a set of calibrations that are ready to use as soon as they are installed, compatible with all NIR hardware platforms.
Ingot Check is the monthly check service providing you with peace of mind that your NIR results are as reliable and accurate as possible.
Giving you on of a kind access to in vivo energy calibrations for poultry, swine and ruminants. Including the measurement of reactive lysine in soya and canola and faecal starch in ruminants.
Find out more on the AusScan website

Aunir is now part of AB Vista, for more information on the full services available please visit NIR Service | Assess feed quality (abvista.com) or contact our team directly at nirsupport@abvista.com